What is the Capacho Elevator?

capacho elevator

Commonly Capacho Elevator is Spanish speaking, especially in Chile. Actually, it is a bucket elevator in English. Also called lift elevator, cups elevator, capacho elevadores, elevador a cangilones, cangilones elevador.

Case Materials

Bucket elevators Commonly are made of carbon steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel for various applications according to the user’s needs.

Parts of a Bucket Capacho Elevator

Bucket Elevators or Capacho Elevators are mainly composed of the following parts:

Elevator Steel Case

It is responsible for supporting all the parts, it is generally made of steel plates.

Drum or Sprocket

They are in charge of supporting the traction device and giving it movement. Drums are used when using a belt drive method and sprocket wheels when using a chain drive method.

Traction Device

The traction device can be a belt or a chain, depending on the height of the elevator, the weight of the handling material, or other factors. The belt has less support force, but the wearness is less than the chain. So the belt method is used for higher-speed transportation. When we choose the traction methods(by belt or by chain), we need to consider the handling lift speed and the material weight which cause the force.

Capachos (Elevator buckets)

They are the containers in which the material or materials are deposited and transported.

Propulsion system

It is responsible for transmitting the movement to the driving drum or to the sprocket. The upper part of the equipment is located. To prevent accidents, a brake is always placed that prevents the movement of the moving parts from reversing and the load from falling back to the bottom of the equipment.

In addition to these main parts, we could also mention as important parts the loading and unloading gates, through which the material enters and exits the system respectively.

Types of load in bucket elevators

In the Capacho Bucket elevator systems, the load can reach the buckets in two ways, this depends on the materials with which it is working, and they are the following:

Directly from the hopper: 

It is used in the transport of large and abrasive materials, and the displacement speed of the traction device is low. It consists in that the materials to be transported falling from the loading hopper directly into the buckets, which makes their continuous journey (running).

By dredging: 

It is used in materials which has a low abrasion of materials like powdery and fine granulation. Unlike the previous type of loading, in this case, the materials fall from the loading hopper to the interior or bottom of the structure, where the buckets pick them up (dredging) as they continue their journey.

Types of discharge in bucket elevators

Bucket elevator systems can have the following discharge types:


It is the most used in the industry, which works with high displacement speeds (1.2m/s to 4 m/s). This speed causes a centrifugal force, which causes the load to be thrown in a certain way towards the discharge chute. The distance at which the buckets are placed must be 2 to 3 times their height, normally it is combined with a loading system by dredging.

Gravity or continuous: 

In this method, the weight of the material is used to unload the material. Low speeds are handled (0.5 m/s and 1 m/s). It can be done in 2 ways by free gravity. The bucket elevator must be tilted, either by the inclination of the belt or the chains on which the buckets go. When the bucket (capacho, cangilon) rotates, the load falls into the discharge hopper. By directed gravity, in which the buckets do not have a separation space and have a shape such that when the bucket that is in the upper part rotates. The load is directed towards the discharge hopper. Guide this path of the bucket that is found at the bottom.

Mixed type: 

This system is similar to the centrifugal one, but the buckets are mounted at the ends with 2 chain strands; the speed is slow and it is suitable for light, airy and sticky materials.

YT Conveyor manufactures the bucket elevator components for capacho elevator, like elevator bucket, PVC elevator belt and fang elevator belt.

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